Congratulations Women In Philanthropy on achieving $2MM in 16 years of giving to our community!!


The Women in Philanthropy members have many ways to become involved in the success of this great organization. Our members who are active in our committees experience profound benefits in networking, experience and leadership. We have 8 committees that make this organization successful.


The Communications Committee oversees public relations for the organization including sending out press releases and making arrangements for the press at the annual meeting ; managing the website and Facebook page; creating and updating brochures and other print and video graphic materials; and handling other publicity when appropriate.

The committee consists of 3-5 members who meet at least twice per year. The chair serves on the Board of Directors.


The Education Committee arranges visits to three or four of the agencies who receive grants each year. The goal is to help WIP membership learn of the many ways we are contributing to our community. A pre-visit to the agency allows any adjustments for a smooth regular visit. Information is sent out to the membership encouraging attendance at the vis its. The coordinator of the Speaker’s Bureau reports to the Education committee. Presentations are given in the community to educate the public and to create interest in membership. The committee of 5-10 members shall have a minimum of one meeting per year. The Chair serves on the Board of Directors.


The Finance Chair serves as an officer of WIP and oversees WIP’s accounting practices and financial operations. She and her committee shall coordinate and provide appropriate reporting from the Community Foundation/United Way to WIP in all matters affecting WIP.  The Chair serves on the Board of Directors.


The Governance Committee is responsible for reviewing the Operational Guidelines and all Policies of WIP annually. The committee studies any recommendations suggested by the Board, a committee, or a member and prepares them for Board approval. The membership is notified of any changes or amendments at the Annual Meeting. The Chair serves on the Board of Directors.


 The primary purpose of the Grants Committee is to review all grants submitted to WIP and to determine the ballot for submission to the Board of Directors for approval and on to the full membership for voting. 

The Chair and Chair-Elect serve on the Board of Directors. The committee of 10 -15 members meets from August to March. 


The Membership Committee is responsible for maintaining and updating all WIP membership records. In addition to letters of welcome to new members, thank you letters are sent to guests who attend the Fall Forum and the Annual Meeting. Lists are kept of those who have volunteered to serve on committees and chairs are notified. 

The Chair serves on the Board of Directors. The Committee mans tables at the Fall Forum and Annual Meeting for the purpose collecting dues, recording guests, and registering new members. One Committee member acts as the membership liaison with United Way. The Membership Committee and the Special Events Committee collaborate on the New Member Orientation and Prospective New Member events.  


The Nominating Committee meets annually to select a slate of officers, committee chairs, and Board members-at-large for the upcoming year. The Committee includes the Past Chair who serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee, the Chair (ex-officio), the Chair-Elect, Governance Chair (ex-officio), Grants Chair, Membership Chair and a current Board member selected by the Nominating Chair. The Committee prepares a slate of Directors to be approved by the current Board of Directors prior to the Annual Meeting of the membership and then elected by the membership at the annual meeting.

Special Events

The Special Events Committee is responsible for implementing two membership events: the Fall Forum and the Annual Meeting/Spring Luncheon. The Membership Committee and the Special Events Committee collaborate on the New Member Orientation and Prospective New Member events. 

The Chair serves on the Board. The committee members, including the Membership Chair, have the responsibility of Invitations, Flowers, Menu, RSVP, Membership Mailing List, Name Tags, and Room Set-up.  

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