Congratulations Women In Philanthropy on achieving $2MM in 16 years of giving to our community!!

Board of Directors

Board of Directors 2024 – 2025


Chair Penny Wasden
Chair-Elect Pamela Dorminey-Uros
Secretary BJ Blackwood
Communications Chair Pat Harris
Education Chair Jane Ellis
Finance Chair Sheree Wright
Governance Chair Rebecca Rule
Grants Chair Nan Easler
Membership Chair Beth Huggins
Nominating Chair Pam Fall
Special Events Chair Jan Bentley
Members At Large Hallet Badger

Crystal Eskola

Carolyn Tynan

Cathy Wall

Honorary Member  

Beth Evans


2023-2024 Nominating Committee

Pam Fall (Nominating Chair, Past Chair), Jackie Cohen (Board Chair, ex-officio member), Penny Wasden (Chair-Elect), Pamela Dorminey-Uros (Grants Chair), Beth Huggins (Membership Chair), B.J. Blackwood (Secretary), and Rebecca Rule (ex-officio member for Governance).

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